Sunday, October 9, 2016

So Im assuming many of you have seen Birth of A Nation. I can appreciate when movies are brought forth that reveal forgotten history. Three Things to ponder on:

  • The history books in our schools labeled Nat Turner's resistance-"The Trail of Terror". He did what any Man would of or should of done during that time.
  • Many have forgotten how we received "Orthodox Christianity" and why most of us grew up in Baptist Church. What we knew and practiced before then was forbidden and if found practicing anything other than what we were allowed to practice.....well, you've seen what happened to disobedient slaves.  Since then, too many of us have closed our minds to any other belief system or schools of thought no matter how much truth is presented.
  • Physical slavery is horrible, but psychological slavery is far worse because it makes those who are being oppressed willing participants in the process. We voluntarily got on a slave ship named Jesus, and today, we are our own worse enemies. Nat Turner, MLK, Malcolm, Garvey, Newton, etc.....were all betrayed by our own slaved-minded brothers who were trying to gain favor from the oppressor. Sound familiar?

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Original Sin

"Deliberation alone could not provide the slave his freedom or cleans America of its original sin. In the end, it was the sword that would sever his chains"
Barak Obama--Audacity of Hope