Monday, October 3, 2011

The Price is Theres, The Cost is Yours!

Behind door number one is the dope infested/Streets, where every minute someones getting arrested/ Police on every corner asking too many questions/And Gs, aint got no choice but to carry their weapons/In a Dope economy manufacturing goods/Wrapping them up in packages, and sending it through yo' hood/Then randomly round up all the radical renegades/Lockem up and throw away the key, like modern day/Plantations, people waiting to see you skatin on thin ice/Just ask those who've been to the pen twice/Working on their third strike, living there third life/While seeds become poisoned, fertilized by a cursed be continued

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Division Through Religion Pt.3

Religions are supposed to cultivate love, respect and altruism toward all people no matter their race, gender or nationality-right? Well, let us stop focusing on our petty differences and combine our efforts to alleviate the many problems that we face as a human race today. Here in America, we already have rampant violence among our misguided youth, so the last thing we need is our God conscious people " Religious Gang-Bangin' " against each other! Listen!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Division Through Religion Pt.2

...After the incursions of foreigners, the implementation of their ideas and beliefs, the displacement, we lost our own systems of worship and spiritual understandings. We then embraced that of the foreigners, for ours were forbidden to practice and now out of ignorance fight and compete with eachother over the validity of these ideas and concepts that were taken, distorted and then given back to us to do so with!....KS-Malefactor

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Division Through Religion

Afrikans in America must quit bickering over religious differences. The worldwide family of believers must focus on commonalities regarding our collective mission and struggle to maintain peace and freedom. How did we become infected with so much jealousy and the "One way to God" syndrome? We gave birth to monotheism-Belief in one God, not one way to God!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

M.O.E. (Money Over Everything)

Money Over Everything is a common phrase used by HIP HOP urbanites to express an attitude about survival; However, the more accurate meaning of M.O.E., through close observation, would be Materialism Over Everything. Those who sing the phrase the most are more so consumers, not producers and therefor the money(means of exchange ) is secondary. As for the Capitalists, they are the ones who actually manifest the meaning of M.O.E.. Those who are so immersed in wealth-building that Money Over Everything actually includes life itself!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Fortified Mind Frame"

For a criminal, a nine-to-five is out of the question/want me to change dont ever come to me without a suggestion/I make five K a week wit my B-game hustle/my A-game would probably bring 10 K off da muscle/As a youngsta I was told that all money was good money/ Every benz I ever saw was bought wit hood money/ so I charged into the game like Ladamien Tomlison/ I saw my first G at fifteen and promised that/I'd never be the same cuz I tasted the power/now my minds transfixed on steaks at Trump towers.....Kaa-$ da Malefacta'---

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Put It On Your Mind"

An ignorant mind is dangerous because it doesn't know any better and lacks conscience and consciousness. The conscious mind is dangerous because it poses a different kind of threat to those people or things that would benefit more by maintaining a grip on that sort of consciousness. Think!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress" --Fredrick Douglas
When people hear the phrase Dangerous Minds usually something negative comes to mind but I am here to tell you that having a dangerous mind can be a good thing. Stay tuned and learn more next time. Digg-Feel-Stand me!