Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Original Sin

"Deliberation alone could not provide the slave his freedom or cleans America of its original sin. In the end, it was the sword that would sever his chains"
Barak Obama--Audacity of Hope

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Just think about what real education for these children would involve. It would start by giving a child an understanding of himself, his world, his culture, his community. Thats the starting point of any educational process."
       --Dr. Lonnie King

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


"More than once in our history, we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; we've seen faith calcify into self righteousness, closed mindedness, and cruelty towards others. Even the impulse toward charity can drift into a stifling paternalism, an unwillingness to acknowledge the ability of others to do for themselves."

President Barak Obama--Audacity of Hope

Monday, April 28, 2014

Who is the Paul of today? Who is today's Muhammad? Who is today's Jesus? Who is todays MLK JR.? Who is todays Malik Shabazz(Malcolm X)? Moses? Etc...? We are capable of being great and doing great things as these men were(not excluding the women). If we would of focused on following the message instead of the messengers, the message would continue to give birth to more messengers! Pledge your loyalty to truth and principles, not people! --Cant help myself sometimes!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

R.N.A. (Recovering Nigga's Anonymous) 

A Cure For Niggerism

                                                                   By Kenyatta Sadiki and Malik Shabazz


     There is a disease that runs deep within the minds and hearts of Black men. It's course is due to the mental conditioning, physical abuse and systematic aggression which has, and continues to be inflicted upon the Black masses. It is a disease which has resulted in ten times as many slave-minded Nigga's in 2013, than their were in 1607. Some may say that a Nigga or Nigger can be anybody of any ethnicity, but playing dumb will get us nowhere. we all know the word Nigga'/Nigger refers to, and was designed for Black Males. We have fought over the word, written books about the word and we even tried to "bury" the word; However, Nigga' is not just a word, it is a mentality and for the sake of arguement, it is like a virus. Like AIDS, Niggerism is transmitted through mostly intercourse(socially and psychologically). Once transmitted, Niggerism reproduces itself by attaching itself to the intelligence(T-Cells and Antibodies) originally designed to help the body(Black Community). The Body's(Black Community's) immune system then becomes weak and susceptible to to several germs(social diseases) and the end result, also like AIDS, is death(mentally and spiritually and can lead to physical death). Unlike AIDS, Niggerism does have a cure!

Niggerism Defined:
     A condition existing among African descendants in America caused by 400+ years of physical and psychological slavery followed by an aggressive and strategic assault by European colonialist. Symptoms include destructive behaviors and working against our own special interests and survival.
Below are 5 different forms of Niggerism:

1. Nigga in Denial-who doesn't want to be called Nigga, but acts like one most of the time.

2. Hypocritical Nigga'-who calls himself and any one else who looks like him a Nigga', but then gets
    upset when someone outside his race calls him a Nigga(er).

3. Puppet Nigga'-who tap dances for massa' to be accepted and/or receive special attention and would        not hesitate to exploit or completely sell out his own people. He can easily be bought and usually
     doesn't hang with a lot of Black friends.

4. Uppity Nigga'-who frowns upon or turns his nose up at Black folk who still live in slums and                  ghettos who they feel are beneath themselves. They have abandoned using slang and get angry or          uncomfortable when people talk about the upliftment of the Black race.

5. Worst kind of Nigga'-is he or she who possesses all or most of the following traits:
     uneducated; oversexed; stingy; conversation overwhelmed by nonsense; loud and boisterous; a               coward; poor parent; rejects own identity; very argumentative; must rob, kill or deal to survive;             *Will fight over a dime, and kill over a penny-which means he will kill for much less than he will             fight for.

Mission of R.N.A.

     The mission or RNA is not a simple one. Participants must be proactive in order to reverse the effects of the psychological trauma which has maintained a stronghold on the Black consciousness for quite some time now. RNA is a paradigm calling for a mental and spiritual transformation from a lower form of self, into a higher form of existence. The mission requires working toward pertinent, self sustaining growth and development as thinking men/women who strive to break the chains of psychological slavery. It is our divine right and duty to define ourselves and become what our Creator intended for us to be. It is paramount for us to be able to approach our life lessons from a position of power and freedom and to embrace a mode of thinking that affirms who we are historically, culturally and spiritually-equipping us with the proper tools needed for the necessary transitional process. It is only by alleviating the Nigga' virus or Niggerism, that we will be able to tap into our true greatness and potential as descendants of the Mother Land!

R.N.A. Objectives

1. Understanding the origin of the word Nigga'-which derived from the Europeans calling African        slaves Nigger; which derived from the word Negro meaning Black in Spanish; which derived from        the Greek /Latin word Necro meaning Dead. So, this means when we call ourselves Nigga', we are        in a dead state in need of a mental rebirth, just as religion suggest for spiritually dead people who            must be reborn.

2. To recognize Nigga' as a manufactured man-because he was created by man, not GOD. God            made an African/Black man-European Colonialist made the Nigga', then they molded the Nigga' to        think and act a certain way, and today, we see the success of their dehumanizing efforts.

3. Analyze the contradictions in using the word Nigga'-by asking yourself, "How can I call myself        something I don't want others to call me?" If you call yourself a Nigga', you should never get angry        with anyone who calls you a Nigger just because it is said with a different emphasis.

4. Observe what has been associated with Nigga'-"Nigga's aint shit"; "A Nigga will lie in a minute";      "Fu*k dem Nigga's"; "Can't trust a Nigga for shit"; Get the point?

5. If you must absolutely continue to be identified as a Nigga'-then embrace the concept of being         Never     Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished. Never Ignorant means being in constant pursuit of       knowledge  and education, which means increased study habits and schooling. Getting Goals                 Accomplished means squashing all the chatter and doing what needs to be done to achieve our goals.     With this concept in mind, if we are being proactive, embracing our history, growing and building a       future for ourselves and being successful, we are no longer what others said we are, but instead,             Human Beings-Black Men and Women!

****Special Note:
              Please seek out sources of information and literature by our best scholars and learned                              men/women, past and present,  to validate what you have just read, and to connect with the                    wisdom that will truly change you/us for the better.

Lasima Tashinde Mblashaka!!
(We Shall Overcome No Doubt!!)