Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Original Sin

"Deliberation alone could not provide the slave his freedom or cleans America of its original sin. In the end, it was the sword that would sever his chains"
Barak Obama--Audacity of Hope

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Just think about what real education for these children would involve. It would start by giving a child an understanding of himself, his world, his culture, his community. Thats the starting point of any educational process."
       --Dr. Lonnie King

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


"More than once in our history, we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; we've seen faith calcify into self righteousness, closed mindedness, and cruelty towards others. Even the impulse toward charity can drift into a stifling paternalism, an unwillingness to acknowledge the ability of others to do for themselves."

President Barak Obama--Audacity of Hope