Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BHM 10 Point Program

Black History Month 10 Point Program

Service by Kenyatta Sadiki

1.     Select a specific Black Achiever and learn about their life, their movement and the impact they had on the Black Population & Humanity as a whole.

2.     Buy from as many Black owned business as possible.

3.     Try to refrain from using the “N word” for the entire month.

4.     Get involved in at least one developmental project to better yourself. It could be vocational, academic or religious.

5.     Go on a healthy diet and do at least 30 min of exercising each day.

6.     Shut down all negative talk about others (gossiping) and focus on self and your own goals & aspirations.

7.     Reflect each day on where we have been, where we are and where we are headed as people.

8.     Show respect to yourself and others wherever you are and help a brother or sister whenever you can.

9.     Control your anger and negative emotions for the month with hopes of learning to master them for the rest of your life.

10.  Practice atonement with your immediate and extended family. If you have a loved one locked up or in rehab, reach out to them with words of unity, love & encouragement.

All I can do is put it out there! Those who wish to participate, great! Those who don’t, I understand! We barely even know BHM still exist.

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